
In 2024 the Large Hadron Collider will undergo a High Luminosity upgrade in order to better accumulate data and improve statistics. The existing inner detector of the ATLAS experiment cannot cope with this kind of luminosities. In addition, central silicon trackers will meet their end of lifetime and be severely damaged by radiation. For an accurate description of the detectors a radiation damage pixel digitiser was developed for the ATLAS simulation framework. The digitiser is discussed in detail and a comparison of simulation with data is shown. For the High Luminosity upgrade, new silicon sensors are cur- rently under development to completely replace the present ATLAS Inner Detector. One of the candidates for silicon pixel sen- sors is the high voltage complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (HV-CMOS) sensor. Compared with traditional silicon pixel sen- sors, it has integrated electronics and can be fabricated using in- dustrially standard CMOS processes. The main advantage is there- fore the low cost due to inexpensive glue-bonding to the readout- chip and the commercial availability, which plays an important role in replacing a large area of detectors. In the scope of this work Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) simulations on two different technologies, ams 350 nm and LFoundry 150 nm, are carried out, each with a different focus. Measurements of an HV-CMOS demonstrator sensor are also presented here.

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