
Methods. The study was based on the application of the monographic method for studying clusters and identifying the cause-and-effect connections of their development in the context of globalization. General scientific methods were also applied in the work, in particular: abstraction – to determine the essence of the concept of clusters chosen as an object of study; grouping – for the classification of the clustering process according to the system-functional feature and the feature of the prevailing integration connections; comparative analysis – for establishing quantitative and qualitative differences in the process of development of clusters in EU countries and Ukraine. Results. The article explains the concept of cluster, which is used in the study of clustering processes in the conditions of globalization of development. Clusters are classified according to their spatial, functional, and industry characteristics. It is determined that the creation of clusters should be a process that combines skills, sources of knowledge, business, market structures and consumers in an open market environment. The European experience of implementation of cluster development programs is analyzed and signs of their stability in the crisis conditions of global development are formulated. The ability of Ukrainian clusters to participate in overcoming the consequences of the pandemic is demonstrated. The negative effects of a gap in supply chains and added value on the development of clusters in Ukraine under martial law are shown. It is concluded that the development of clusters should become a priority task on the path of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union. Novelty. The essence of clusterization processes is substantiated and the trends of their development in the conditions of globalization are shown. The key problems of clusters formation are highlighted and the prospects of clustering in Ukraine are outlined. Practical value. The conclusions and proposals can be used in the formation of the state policy of clusters development in the domestic economy.

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