
The development of anthropogenic air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission inventory is important for air pollution and climate change. This study developed a high-resolution emission inventory of consistent sources of air pollutants and GHGs in Zhengzhou. Designed scenarios with 2030 as the target year to estimate future emissions from power plants and on-road mobile. The 2019-based total emissions of SO2, NOx, CO, PM10, PM2.5, VOCs, NH3, CO2, CH4, and N2O were 39.2, 174.6, 586.9, 134.1, 59.2, 176.8, 19.3, 83,014.8, 239.3, and 4.3 kt, respectively. Stationary combustion and mobile source were the top contributors to SO2, NOx, CO, and CO2 emissions. PM10 emissions were mainly from fugitive dust, while CH4 emissions were other sources. Most PM2.5 and VOCs emissions came from industrial process. Agriculture was the primary source of NH3 and N2O emissions. Most air pollutants and GHGs were mainly concentrated in the main urban area, which were closely related to population density, traffic flow, and industrial activities, while winter heating and higher electricity consumption in summer were the main reasons for higher emissions during these seasons. Air pollutants and GHGs from power plants and on-road mobile are reduced by 16.0%–84.7% in the best reduction scenario.

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