
Interest in children's Islamic books is still lacking and needs to be increased in society, especially parents, because many children prefer story books with fairy tale nuances. In Medical Rehabilitation, reading books needs to be a habit from an early age because it can stimulate the brain and increase knowledge. Knowledge about dental health, especially preventing cavities, is still lacking so it needs to be improved. The aim of this activity is to increase interest in children's Islamic books, it is necessary to include education about children's Dental Health and Medical Rehabilitation so that knowledge increases along with interest in children's Islamic books. The method used in this activity is collaboration with children's Islamic book business partners, followed by an educational program through counseling about Dental Health and the importance of reading from a Medical Rehabilitation perspective at the Experimental 2 State Elementary School in Yogyakarta. In this activity, education is carried out through counseling, practice of preventing cavities, education about the importance of reading, especially Islamic children's books. The activity ended with a post test in the form of a quiz and a demonstration of putting the educational results into practice as an assessment of the success of the program. As a result of this activity, all participants were very happy and enthusiastic about reading Islamic children's books because many did not know that there were interesting Islamic children's books. Knowledge about dental health and medical rehabilitation increased from the results of the post test which included knowledge about dental health and the importance of reading, and participants were able to demonstrate how to prevent cavities. Conclusion, this activity was successful because knowledge about dental health and medical rehabilitation increased along with the increasing interest of children in children's Islamic books.

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