
AbstractInternet of things (IoT) is a modern technology that connects between physical equipment and some other devices to the Internet network for the desired application. The demand for weather monitoring application leads to an initiative for smart IoT development. There is the issue of an urgent weather alert need for someone who wants to monitor environmental conditions before involving in outdoor activities. Thus, this paper proposes a device of weather information monitoring system to efficiently monitor weather conditions in real time and sending alert notifications via mobile Blynk application, SMS, and email. The device is composed of ESP8266 as microcontroller, temperature-humidity sensor (DHT11), rain drop, and carbon monoxide (CO) detection sensors with integrated real-time data transmit through GSM and Wi-Fi network. The proposed system is designed with a user-friendly GUI mobile application and Web based, accordingly the users can get the updates from the weather monitoring system at anytime and anywhere.KeywordsWeather monitoringIoTSensorBlynk applicationNodeMCUWeb based

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