
Educators play a very important role in developing learning tools that are interesting and appropriate to students' needs. The aim of this research is to determine the validity, practicality and effectiveness of biology laboratory equipment catalog media products as a student learning resource. The development model used in this research is the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation (ADDIE) model. Product trials were carried out on a limited scale with research subjects consisting of 25 class X MIPA 3 students and 2 biology teachers at SMA Negeri 3 Majene. Validity data for catalog media was obtained from media expert validators and material experts, practicality data was obtained from the results of questionnaire analysis of teacher and student responses to catalog media, while effectiveness data was obtained from data analysis of students' cognitive learning outcomes. The results of data analysis on the validity of the media catalog show a validity level of 4.2 which is included in the valid category, while the results of analysis of practicality data based on teacher and student response questionnaires are 96.2% and 80.7% in the very practical category as well as analysis results based on learning outcomes tests Cognition was obtained at 72% in the effective category. This research and development shows that the biology laboratory equipment catalog media is valid, practical and effective for use as a student learning resource

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