
Russia and Turkey are the largest powers influencing the international economy, diplomacy and the geopolitical climate on the European continent. In the conditions of anti-Russian sanctions, a huge role is assigned to strengthening relations between friendly states, searching for mutually beneficial directions and projects that will strengthen the economic well-being of partner states. In this regard, the establishment of diplomatic and economic relations between Russia and Turkey will allow Russia to maintain its position on the European continent. Turkey occupies an important geopolitical position at the same time being a European, Asian, Balkan, Caucasian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Black Sea region. It unites the entire Eurasian space, thereby strengthening its role in the political space. Viewed from a regional perspective, the fact remains that trade between the two States is also important for world trade. Historically, it can be traced that from time to time problems arise between states, which negatively affects economic cooperation between them, since politics directly affects the economy and trade relations of countries. But, when building diplomatic ties, first of all, historical experience in relations between states should be taken into account and all the positive and negative sides should be taken into account. Taking into account all the regulatory legal acts considered, the authors of the article put up for discussion the issue of stabilization of bilateral relations between Russia and Turkey, and propose the most promising directions for strengthening relations between the states. The study is based on the analysis of official statistical indicators of Turkstat and Goskomstat, describing the state of development of foreign economic cooperation between Russia and Turkey.

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