
The paper is devoted to the development of the effective management model for low-rise housing construction. Purpose : The aim of this work is to develop basic and variable models for development control for low-rise housing to solve the socio-economic problems in Russia. Novelty : The proposed models for development control for low-rise housing as a constituent element of the organizational and economic mechanism in remote areas of Russia underlie the implementation of new regional programs for the development of low-rise housing aimed at the intensive socio-economic development of the regions. Application fields : The implementation of regional development programs of low-rise housing in various territories for socially significant categories of citizens. Research implications : The proposed models will provide inexpensive, comfortable, and energy efficient housing in remote areas with unfavorable climatic conditions for citizens employed in socially significant industries. The developed regional models of low-rise housing meet the requirements for living in energy efficient, comfortable, and economically feasible environment.


  • Для цитирования: Гусакова Н.В., Минаев Н.Н., Прокофьева Г.И., Ярлакабов А.А

  • The paper is devoted to the development of the effective management model for low-rise housing construction

  • For development control for low-rise housing to solve the socio-economic problems in Russia

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Для цитирования: Гусакова Н.В., Минаев Н.Н., Прокофьева Г.И., Ярлакабов А.А. Разработка базовой и вариативных моделей управления развитием малоэтажного жилищного строительства в России // Вестник Томского государственного архитектурно-строительного университета. 2021. Гусакова Н.В., Минаев Н.Н., Прокофьева Г.И., Ярлакабов А.А., 2021 For citation: Gusakova N.V., Minaev N.N., Prokof’eva G.I., Yarlakabov A.A. Razrabotka bazovoi i variativnykh modelei upravleniya razvitiem maloetazhnogo zhilishchnogo stroitel’stva v Rossii [Development of basic and variable models for development control for low-rise housing in Russia]. В связи с этим необходима разработка эффективной управленческой модели развития малоэтажного жилищного строительства, нацеленной на решение важной социально-экономической задачи – обеспечения недорогим, комфортным и энергоэффективным жильем.

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