
- Cleanliness plays an important role in everyday life. It is the most popular method of maintaining our surroundings free of contaminants and illnesses, as well as for social and academic well-being. Recently, a few cleaning-arrangements have become available to maintain your home dust-free. Machine-Controlled For the betterment of humanity, floor cleaners were given. In recent years, cleanliness has been a critical aspect in improving one's own health, so we are developing a robotic Automated floor cleaner that would safely clean the premises. Expert support robots, such as client care and indoor robots, account for a large portion of these robots. One of these robots' most basic requirements is the ability to explore in environments where a GPS system cannot be used. The robot should also be able to detect barriers and quickly reroute to reach the desired destination. While getting at the goal, the robot will also be cleaning the floor simultaneously and independently. The robot depends on Robot Operating System (ROS) structure. The SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) would aid in creating a crash-free path for the robot from start to finish.

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