
The NCF-2005, NCFTE-2009 and the New Education Policy-2020 recommend teachers to be reflective practitioners. The realization of the concept of reflective teaching practice helps us to openly accept the new changes that are brought about by the education system and enables us to progress towards the betterment of the education system. The fundamental principle of teacher education is to be on reflective teaching model. As the reflective practice has been introduced more recently, there has been a shift in the approaches of teaching from teacher centeredness to learner centeredness. Adapting to the novel changes requires a mind-set to acknowledge the changes and evolve according to the need. It also involves likes and dislikes which can be rightly called attitudes. It is helpful to know the level of attitude of teachers, so as to provide them with required training, motivation and support. This helps the teachers also to change their attitudes towards reflective teaching. The measurement of attitude towards reflective teaching practices enables the teacher-educators, the educationists and the government to design programmes to help teachers develop a positive attitude to the new recommendations. It also helps the teacher education institutions to inculcate the positive attitudes towards the reflective teaching so as to prepare the entrant teachers to become reflective practitioners. Hence the attitude scale was constructed. The main purpose of the attitude scale is to measure and quantify the attitude towards reflective teaching practices. The reflective teaching practice scale was developed based on Likert scale construction procedures. The theoretical framework was adopted from the Pollard’s Reflective Teaching.

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