
Recently, applications of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have been established in many organizations offering low-costed, low-powered, automatic systems. In addition, IoT systems are secure, less time-consuming, and controlled remotely. Implementing IoT technologies in managing the educational process makes huge changes by creating digital classrooms and automation systems. However, taking students’ absence reports is still a critical element or issue in the education sector that is more paperwork, which is time-consuming, requires much workforce and efforts, and imposes inefficiency. Various automatic identification technologies have been developed using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Many research works and projects are produced to take maximum benefits of using this technology. The current work proposes an automatic attendance monitoring system (AMS) using IoT technologies including RFID and hardware platforms. The objectives of the proposed system are to check attendance of students automatically without human interface, inform students about gaps in attendance, and monitor instructors whether they come to lessons on time. Based on the results, the proposed AMS is time-effective, economically available, and has not any power consumption. The system is analyzed and criticized with respect to other authors’ works. Future work is discussed and identified.

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