
Antibody anilino maytansinoid conjugates (AaMCs) have been prepared in which a maytansinoid bearing an aniline group was linked through the aniline amine to a dipeptide, which in turn was covalently attached to a desired monoclonal antibody. Several such conjugates were prepared utilizing different dipeptides in the linkage including Gly-Gly, l-Val-l-Cit, and all four stereoisomers of the Ala-Ala dipeptide. The properties of AaMCs could be altered by the choice of dipeptide in the linker. Each of the AaMCs, except the AaMC bearing a d-Ala-d-Ala peptide linker, displayed more bystander killing in vitro than maytansinoid ADCs that utilize disulfide linkers. In mouse models, the anti-CanAg AaMC bearing a d-Ala-l-Ala dipeptide in the linker was shown to be more efficacious against heterogeneous HT-29 xenografts than maytansinoid ADCs that utilize disulfide linkers, while both types of the conjugates displayed similar tolerabilities.

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