
The ancient Indian educational system, which aims to enable human existence to enhance social, moral, and spiritual elements of lite, as well as personal economic conditions, is built on the study of the nature of knowledge and philosophical traditions. People are interested in bettering human existence as well as realizing Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya, the "higher truth" that leads from darkness to light. As a result, education is not just a way to make money but also a way to advance humanity and improve society. In order to adapt their lives to the super-smart world and the utilisation of spiritual force, our Indian sages or masters are dedicated to doing so. In Chitti Vrittinirodha, the ultimate purpose of education is mentioned (controlling spiritual activities related to the so-called materialist world). Because of this, education is a crucial tool for directing people's potential in a positive direction and enabling them to live in a society where dignity is valued. The Indian government's most recent "National Education Policy-2020 (NEP-2020)" makes numerous recommendations for combining the modern educational system with the traditional one. This policy's guiding premise has always been the illustrious legacy of ancient and timeless Indian knowledge and thinking. Pursuit of knowledge (Jnan), wisdom (Pragyaa), and truth (Satya) have long been seen as the highest aspirations of mankind in Indian philosophy and thought.

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