
The article is devoted to the consideration of tools for the development of analytical thinking of students in informatics lessons. The article presents the author's approaches to the term "analytical thinking", considers practical tasks and examples from the school course of various subjects aimed at developing students' analytical thinking. The following educational technology for the development of analytical thinking is considered in the form of three stages: challenge; comprehension of the content; reflection. An overview of typical tasks from the theme "Modeling and formalization" is presented. The author's approach to the study of the line "Modeling and formalization" in the teaching materials on informatics by N. N. Samylkina, I. A. Kalinin is considered. The following is a review of the laboratory work developed by us on building models: agent-based modeling (model of the consumer market; model of trafc flows); system-dynamic modeling (epidemic spread model; supply chain model); discrete-event modeling (bank ofce model; car service model). A detailed example of building a simulation model of trafc flows using the AnyLogic software package is analyzed, and a series of analytical tasks is also proposed.

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