
Abstract : Due to the significance of aerosol particles in visibility forecasting, air pollution, and global climate change studies, the modeling and successful prediction of aerosol events is of great interest to both military and civilian users. Recognizing this interest, the Naval Research Laboratory Marine Meteorology Division developed the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS), the world's only truly operational aerosol prediction model. NAAPS provides both aerosol and visibility forecasts for fleet operation. A recent study showed that by ingesting over-ocean satellite observations into NAAPS through data assimilation, NAAPS forecasting capability could be improved by 20-40%. This research effort, however, also found that there are fundamental issues remaining that must be addressed before a global (i.e., over both ocean and land) aerosol data assimilation can realistically be ported to operational use. These include needs for: (1) Developing an over-land (with bright surface areas) aerosol data assimilation capability; (2) Improving observational data coverage through a multi-sensor data fusion/data assimilation technique; (3) Utilizing multi-channel information to improve the accuracy of NAAPS aerosol vertical profiles and specification; and (4) Developing a better parameterization for characterizing model forecasting errors We are investigating these issues and are developing a multi-sensor and multi-channel aerosol assimilation package using Level 2 aerosol products from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Collection 5, MODIS Deep Blue, Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO), and Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR). We will also integrate geostationary, polar orbiting, and even surface network data as they become available. This research will be transitioned for operational use at the Fleet Numerical Meteorological and Oceanographic Center (FNMOC), and will greatly advance air quali

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