
This study aimed to create an online platform devoted to managing lesson schedules and grade data in MAN 1 Padang. This platform was developed with the specific needs of MAN 1 Padang. The development approach used the MVC architecture (Model, View, Controller), which applies the waterfall method approach to provide a structured development framework. The platform presents services such as lesson scheduling, grade processing, and report provision that are accessible to students and parents. The successful provision of these services is expected to facilitate learning in schools. The utilization of technologies such as PHP as a programming language, the Yii Framework, and MySQL databases provides a solid technological foundation, guaranteeing the efficiency and scalability of these platforms. Overall, the creation of this platform is expected to facilitate the learning process in MAN 1 Padang by providing easy access to schedule information, grades, and reports to students and parents. Thus, this platform is expected to provide positive benefits in the development and management of the learning process in MAN 1 Padang.

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