
Traditional weight training programs feature alternating periods of exercise and recovery. In contrast, core stabilization tests used in wellness and fitness programs are performed continuously until volitional fatigue, which may lead to reduced adherence to fitness testing protocols. PURPOSE: To develop an interval prone bridge fitness test to assess core stability in healthy adults (ages 18-39 years). METHODS: Participants performed a prone bridge maneuver in alternating 15-sec work and 5-sec rest intervals with participants' RPE scores (0-10) recorded at the end of each work interval. The RPE score reported after 95 sec (RPE-95) was used to predict total interval prone bridge endurance time along with participants' self-reported level of physical activity (PA; sedentary = 0, low active = 1, active = 2, very active = 3). RESULTS: Multiple linear regression was employed to generate the following prediction equation (Total time (sec) = 300.0 - (23.4 × RPE-95) + (17.7 × PA); R =.86, SEE = 32.98 sec). Each predictor variable was statistically significant (RPE-95, p <.0001; PA, p = 0.006) and cross validation procedures using PRESS (predicted residual sum of squares) statistics revealed minimal shrinkage (Rp =.85 and SEEp = 32.89 sec). The mean and standard deviation (±SD) for the total duration of the interval prone bridge test and the RPE-95 data were 179.9 ± 65.2 sec and 6.3 ± 2.2, respectively. To assess test-retest reliability, a second test was completed about 48 hours after the first test. Reliability analyses (n = 45) yielded an acceptable test-retest intraclass reliability coefficient (ICC =.95, SEM = 12.7 sec) when comparing total interval prone bridge endurance times across days. CONCLUSION: The proposed interval prone bridge fitness test, and accompanying regression model, yields a relatively accurate estimate of total interval prone bridge test time in healthy men and women, using both RPE-95 and PA data.

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