
Dosage compensation (equalization of X-linked gene products) occurs in Drosophila melanogaster by a two-fold transcriptional increase of X-linked gene expression in the male. The cis-acting X-linked DNA sequences required for dosage compensation (called DCREs) remain elusive, despite numerous attempts to identify them. We have developed an insulated reporter system to minimise problems previously encountered with identifying these elements. The system consists of the constitutive autosomal armadillo promoter fused to the lacZ reporter gene (called arm-lacZ) which was flanked by SCS insulator elements to block potential repressive effects of an autosomal chromatin environment. Seven X-linked DNA fragments, totaling 62.7 kb, were each inserted between the SCS element and the armadillo promoter. If an X-linked fragment contains a DCRE, then transgenic males carrying an autosomal insert of the construct should produce twice the beta-galactosidase activity of females. However, in all cases, males and females expressed the same level of lacZ. Thus, it's likely that none of the X-linked fragments contained a DCRE, suggesting these elements may be rarer than previously thought. The insulated reporter system was also used to test the hypothesis that some genes may be dosage compensated due to repression by Sex lethal (Sxl) in females. A fragment from the runt gene containing three Sxl binding sites was inserted into the 3' untranslated region of arm-lacZ. Transgenic males carrying an autosomal insert of the construct had on average 1.31-1.46 times the level of beta-galactosidase than females, suggesting that some genes could be compensated, at least partially, by Sxl repression in females.

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