
An in-vacuum minipole (short period) insertion device has been developed in a collaboration between SPring-8 and the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS). The magnetic arrays were assembled, field measured, corrected, and vacuum tested by SPring-8 and were installed in an NSLS-developed chamber with mechanical parts in the NSLS X-Ray Ring (E=2.584 GeV) in May 1997 and a successful commissioning of the device was carried out in June 1997. The device is made of permanent magnets with 30.5 periods and a period length of 11 mm. It is designed to produce fundamental radiation at 4.6 keV, and with a modest value of deflection parameter (K=0.7 at 3.3& mm gap) enables higher harmonics to be used as well, for a variety of experiments. A detailed description of the mechanical support and vacuum chamber will be reported elsewhere. We describe technical challenges encountered in constructing this type of device, and present an outline of our collaboration.

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