
Problem. Organizational and technological design, that is, the development of the project of construction organization and the project of execution of construction works requires the study of research materials, the state of the surrounding environment, the capabilities of the construction organization, its technical base, etc., that is, it takes a long time. If it is necessary to carry out emergency rescue work immediately after a disaster or an accident, when there is a threat to human life, there is no such time. Therefore, it is necessary to develop measures to minimize the time and risk of making ineffective decisions in conditions of insufficient information about the damaged object. Currently, there are no organizational and technological solutions that are able to simultaneously combine objective urgency and rational justification of their implementation. Increasing the efficiency and safety of works to eliminate emergency destruction, due to overtime effects on largepanel buildings, by choosing the optimal option of urgent emergency measures using information and mathematical modeling and databases on typical destruction, technical, technological and organizational solutions is an urgent technical and economic problem. Method. Optimizing the decisionmaking process in conditions of uncertainty is possible with the prior development of databases of typical organizational and technological emergency measures and the methodology of their use at typical facilities. Linking existing, predeveloped solutions using typical information and mathematical models to a specific emergency object based on the principle of pattern recognition will allow to speed up the choice of option and ensure maximum safety of emergency rescue operations, will contribute to the rescue of possible accident victims. Originality. Forecasting the consequences of overtime impacts on the loadbearing capacity and stability of largepanel buildings in the absence of initial information about the technical condition of damaged parts of the building, i.e. in conditions of uncertainty, is possible only with the help of computational mathematical models. The availability of a database of typical strengthening solutions and the availability of a calculation model will allow, with accepted probability, to quickly choose a method of strengthening emergency structures, which in conditions of uncertainty will be more justified than an emotionally accepted, subjective technical decision. Practical value. The given algorithm makes it possible to create databases of necessary measures and readymade solutions for the stabilization of a largepanel building that has been affected by overtime load. Filling the database when performing variable calculations, regarding different places of application of overtime impacts and their intensity, taking into account various structural and technological schemes, will allow to significantly speed up decisionmaking regarding the stabilization of buildings affected by overtime loads.

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