
The allure of team scale and functional diversity has led to the promising adoption of heterogeneous multi-robot systems (HMRS) in complex, large-scale operations such as disaster search and rescue, site surveillance, and social security. These systems, which coordinate multiple robots of varying functions and quantities, face the significant challenge of accurately assembling robot teams that meet the dynamic needs of tasks with respect to size and functionality, all while maintaining minimal resource expenditure. This paper introduces a pioneering adaptive cooperation method named inner attention (innerATT), crafted to dynamically configure teams of heterogeneous robots in response to evolving task types and environmental conditions. The innerATT method is articulated through the integration of an innovative attention mechanism within a multi-agent actor–critic reinforcement learning framework, enabling the strategic analysis of robot capabilities to efficiently form teams that fulfill specific task demands. To demonstrate the efficacy of innerATT in facilitating cooperation, experimental scenarios encompassing variations in task type (“Single Task”, “Double Task”, and “Mixed Task”) and robot availability are constructed under the themes of “task variety” and “robot availability variety.” The findings affirm that innerATT significantly enhances flexible cooperation, diminishes resource usage, and bolsters robustness in task fulfillment.

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