
Summary The paper presents the results of field analytical studies and development of an algorithm for calculating the exposure value of CO2 concentration in the air of Ukraine Polissya agro-landscapes soils. A clear procedure for calculating exposure time for in situ studies is given, depending on the intensity of soil air exchange. Depending on the 6 types of air exchange intensity, approximate measurement time ranges are established to measure soils with too difficult, relatively difficult, satisfactory, good, very good and excellent intensity level of air exchange. It is defined that the time range of measurements of the value of CO2 concentration in the ground air, the soil organic matter reserves, as well as the determination of diffusion coefficients in situ conditions are in the range of 2 to 11 and more hours. In case of unsatisfactory values of soil diffusion coefficient (due to unfavorable granulometric composition, over-wetting, excessive compaction), the measurement time for carbon dioxide concentration in the ground air exceeds 5 hours. In the case of favorable values of D, the measurement time usually does not exceed 2–3 hours, characterizing this method of measurements as an express method.

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