
Pastries are very popular among the Russian population. Pastry are the most promising targets for the enrichment of their function ingredients.. One of the most promising feedstocks for the production of flour confectionery products is flour from grain crops ofspring triticale. The different varieties of triticale were studied in particular, triticale flour grade "Ukro" for use in technologies of shortbread-butter cookies with enhanced food value. The first in the history of our country varieties of spring triticale "Ukro" was included in the State Register of selection achievements since 2004. Triticale is characterized by high-protein content. Triticale, protein is higher than in wheat by amino acids lysine and tryptophan, minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron), B vitamins. It was pointed the choice and ratio of prescription ingredients. Recipe shortbread-butter cookies based on the seeded triticale flour and flour from coarse whole meal grain, grade "Ukro", with high consumer properties was developed. Cake samples prepared on the basis of flour triticale exceed the reference sample of prime grade wheat flour. Biscuits have a high content of complete protein, vitamins, macro - and microelements, dietary fibers, high gustatory qualities. The influence of prescription components on organoleptic and physical-chemical properties of sandy butter cookies was studied. The nutritional and biological value was calculated. It was state the daily needs of the organism in these materials when using 100 g. As a result of the conducted studies proved the feasibility of the use of flour from grain triticale in the production of flour confectionery products of functional purpose.


  • Pastries are very popular among the Russian population

  • The different varieties of triticale were studied in particular, triticale flour grade

  • Triticale is characterized by high-protein content

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Разработка технологии сбивных мучных кондитерских изделий повышенной пищевой ценности с применением тритикалевой муки // Вестник Воронежского государственного университета инженерных технологий. В решении этой проблемы представляет большой интерес применение в технологии мучных кондитерских изделий вместо муки пшеничной высшего сорта тритикалевой муки, которая является источником полноценного белка, пищевых волокон, витаминов С, А, Е, группы В, макро- и микроэлементов. Целью данной работы являлась разработка технологии песочно-сдобного печенья с применением продуктов переработки зерна тритикале сорта «Укро» - муки сеяной и муки из цельносмолотого зерна. - исследовать различные сорта тритикале, в частности, сорта «Укро» для применения в технологии песочно-сдобного печенья повышенной пищевой ценности с применением интенсивных технологических приемов;

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