
An orthogonal chromatography methodology for the enrichment of host cell protein (HCP) species relative to monoclonal antibody (mAb) products was developed and applied for the successful enrichment of HCP from post-Protein A process pools for seven different mAb products. An advanced two-dimensional liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry platform (2D-LC/MS(E) ) was utilized to demonstrate that the HCP enriched material was representative, in terms of species content, to pre-enriched process pools. The HCP enrichment methodology was scaled up for two different mAb products, and this process relevant enriched HCP material was used to conduct advanced spike challenge studies to demonstrate the utility of the approach for the understanding of (1) quantitative HCP clearance, (2) individual species clearance, and (3) species clearance redundancy across polishing chromatography steps. The combined ability to enrich process relevant HCP, detect individual HCP species with 2D-LC/MS(E) technology, and conduct advanced challenge studies with process relevant material surmounts prior limitations to high integrity process challenge study implementation, and facilitates significant process understanding for development of risk-based control strategies and strategic process design. This also demonstrates implementation of a foundational strategy for conducting spike-challenge studies using process-relevant impurities isolated from processes of interest using orthogonal approaches.

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