
The development of digital technologies and artifi cial intelligence (AI search chatbots) “offer” a person autonomy in self-development, while at the same time deforming independence. The most important component of self-education and self-development communication with another person is minimized. A complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, perception and understanding of another person, and therefore oneself are limited. Speech is a tool for the child to acquire his own affects, behavior and activities (L.S. Vygotsky). Our own experimental studies showed that adolescents in  (N=) and to a greater extent in  (N=) found it diffi cult to clearly articulate their intentions, the reasons for successes and failures in self-education. Probably, their growing immersion in the digital environment, which offers the simplifi cation of performing routine but affects the “human” actions: oral and written speech. The current trend towards content visualization requires the user to operate only visually with the minimized use of speech. Fluency and awareness of reading are lost, which entails diffi culties in refl ecting one’s own feelings, desires, intentions. There are problems with volitional self-regulation, which requires reinforcement fi rst with external and then with internal speech. As a result, instead of overcoming obstacles, there is a refusal of activity. The formation of subjectivity in this case is delayed and occurs discretely. In adolescence a real adult loses its signifi cance and exclusivity as a source of knowledge and experience. The problem also lies in the way knowledge and experience are transferred from an adult to a teenager, especially in such a complex and, at the same time, typical activity as self-education. Cooperation between an adult and a teenager is possible under the following conditions: the independence of the teenager’s intention to engage in self-education, the specifi city of activities, the specifi cs of adolescence.

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