
Accountants of agencies and studios that provide advertising services of this type ask themselves the question: «How to keep records of works on popularizing brands in social networks?». The current regulatory framework does not give clear recommendations on how to account for transactions in the provision of marketing services in social networks, and not so many foreign and Ukrainian specialists have studied the accounting nuances of SMM. Therefore, taking into account the specifics of the object under study, a number of proposals were made to the working chart of accounts in terms of synthetic accounting on accounts 23 «Main production» and 05 «Guarantees and collateral provided» for web studios and marketing agencies, which will allow differentiating the costs incurred in the process of activities and, along with this, improving the accounting process in terms of the formation of the cost of SMM services. The order of accounting reflection of the budget provided by the customer on the off-balance account is proposed, which allows you to control the movement of funds received and track the directions of their use. Inadequate documentation of SMM transactions raises many questions from the fiscal regulatory authorities. The article develops documentary support for the purposes of accounting for marketing services in social networks (SMM). The effect of the implementation of the developed form «Act of acceptance and transfer of services rendered for SMM» is the possibility of highlighting the volume of marketing work performed and confirmation of the economic effect obtained (increase in sales, customer base, interaction with the brand, etc.), which will prevent the occurrence of conflict situations between the customer of services and the SFSU authorities regarding the inclusion of VAT amounts in the tax credit and the possibility of avoiding the accrual of «compensating» tax liabilities.

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