
Abstract: Wireless sensor networks play an essential role in smart agriculture, especially on the future farms without farmers. This paper presents a new wireless communication system (WCS) for crop leaf wetness monitoring using a nRF905 wireless transmit module together with a STM32 controller, a data acquisition board and developed software. The further developed nRF905 wireless module was used to transmit crop canopy leaf wetness data collected by LWS (Leaf Wetness Sensor) in the field to the monitoring central station. A simple graphical user interface has been developed and implemented to display crop canopy moisture by LWS. The WCS was tested and validated in LabVIEW2013. The 3-day time series model of wetness was built based on the data collected by the monitoring system. In this paper, the structure of this system was introduced, and the system performance evaluation in field was described. The results show that the wireless system has promise to have a higher accuracy for crop canopy leaf wetness monitoring and application which will improve the efficiency of smart agriculture application. Keywords: wireless communication system, nRF905, leaf wetness sensor, crop condition, canopy moisture, s mart agriculture DOI:  10.33440/j.ijpaa.20200301.68  Citation: Zhu H, Li H Z, Lan Y B.  Development of a wireless communication system for monitoring crop condition with leaf wetness sensor.  Int J Precis Agric Aviat, 2020; 3(1): 54–58.

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