
The work describes the main steps, the structure, and the result of web resource for job search, which is relevant in the context of a pandemic and employment loss of a large number of citizens. The focus is on the development of a platform with enhanced protection from the point of view of a job seeker, who can analyze data about the employer, and leave a real feedback both at the job search stage and after employment. For this purpose different user profiles and a real opportunity to leave feedback are provided. A platform is developed using PHP with PDO extension for database connection. MySQL relational database is used as a database. All phases of resource development, from architectural and database planning to the development of layouts and interfaces, are described in details. Special attention to the protection of information transmitted by both employers and job seekers is paid. The functionality of the developed system is analyzed. The received resource has been tested and it has been established that it can be used effectively for both employers and job seekers with the appropriate functionality, the ability to post, edit, delete vacancies and comments about the company. This, in turn, makes it possible to avoid fraud and cybercrime by checking the veracity of the information provided by the employer and forming an employer’s rating based on real feedback from persons who work or have worked there.

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