
The applicability of nuclease-based form of prime editor (PEn) has been hindered by its complexed editing outcomes. A chemical inhibitor against DNA-PK, which mediates the nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway, was recently shown to promote precise insertions by PEn. Nevertheless, the intrinsic issues of specificity and toxicity for such a chemical approach necessitate development of alternative strategies. Here, we find that co-introduction of PEn and a NHEJ-restraining, 53BP1-inhibitory ubiquitin variant potently drives precise edits via mitigation of unintended edits, framing a high-activity editing platform (uPEn) apparently complementing the canonical PE. Further developments involve exploring the effective configuration of a homologous region-containing pegRNA (HR-pegRNA). Overall, uPEn can empower high-efficiency installation of insertions (38%), deletions (43%) and replacements (52%) in HEK293T cells. When compared with PE3/5max, uPEn demonstrates superior activities for typically refractory base substitutions, and for small-block edits. Collectively, this work establishes a highly efficient PE platform with broad application potential.

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