
Abstract A unified land model (ULM) is described that combines the surface flux parameterizations in the Noah land surface model (used in most of NOAA’s coupled weather and climate models) with the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting model (Sac; used for hydrologic prediction within the National Weather Service). The motivation was to develop a model that has a history of strong hydrologic performance while having the ability to be run in the coupled land–atmosphere environment. ULM takes the vegetation, snow model, frozen soil, and evapotranspiration schemes from Noah and merges them with the soil moisture accounting scheme from Sac. ULM surface fluxes, soil moisture, and streamflow simulations were evaluated through comparisons with observations from the Ameriflux (surface flux), Illinois Climate Network (soil moisture), and Model Parameter Estimation Experiment (MOPEX; streamflow) datasets. Initially, a priori parameters from Sac and Noah were used, which resulted in ULM surface flux simulations that were comparable to those produced by Noah (Sac does not predict surface energy fluxes). ULM with the a priori parameters had streamflow simulation skill that was generally similar to Sac’s, although it was slightly better (worse) for wetter (more arid) basins. ULM model performance using a set of parameters identified via a Monte Carlo search procedure lead to substantial improvements relative to the a priori parameters. A scheme for transfer of parameters from streamflow simulations to nearby flux and soil moisture measurement points was also evaluated; this approach did not yield conclusive improvements relative to the a priori parameters.

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