
A sample of 365 managers of a full service U.S. restaurant chain was used to test a model incorporating a matrix measure of valence-instrumentality-expectancy (VIE) perceptions leading to the outcomes of job performance and turnover. This study used Hollenback's (1979) method of computing motivational force scores deriving from VIE perceptions. The model hypothesized one path from VIE to pay satisfaction, another from VIE to job performance, and a third set of links from job satisfaction to intentions to leave the organization to voluntary turnover. The results supported a revised model including the major hypothesized path from VIE perceptions to pay satisfaction to job satisfaction to intent to leave to voluntary turnover. In addition, the job performance to turnover paths were supported. The most noteworthy paths not receiving support were from VIE perceptions to job performance; however, there was an unhypothesized, indirect effect of VIE perceptions on job performance through pay satisfaction.

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