
Introduction (statement of the problem and relevance). The expansion of the activities of the working bodies of ISO and the UN Economic Commission for Europe, aimed at assessing the degree of pollution of the habitable space of vehicles, has led to the creation of a working group responsible for developing a test method for assessing volatile organic compounds from interior parts. The purpose of the study is to present the directions of the work of the working group ISO/TC 22-ISO/TC 146/SC 6/WG 13 “Determination of VOC’s in car interiors” and the stages of further development of research within the framework of the UNECE ITC activities (WP.29, GRPE).Methodology and research methods. The development and creation of a test method within the framework of the activities of international groups ISO and UNECE ITC is presented.Scientific novelty and results. The results of regulatory activities within the framework of the interstate standardization system of the Russian Federation and the countries of the Customs Union on the adaptation of the new European standard regulated by WP.29 and Mutual Resolution (M.R.3) are presented.Practical significance. Promising areas of work on the implementation of international studies have been identified, culminating in the development of a domestic standard with further introduction into the practice of testing and certification, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On wheeled vehicles safety”.

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