
The purpose of this study was to develop and implement an information system for evaluating and testing students' knowledge in order to simplify the process of creating tests and evaluating the educational achievements of teachers. In the course of the work, a review of existing computer training programs, an analysis of the market of modern analogues was carried out, and on the basis of the obtained data, functional and non-functional requirements for the developed software product were formulated. Based on the requirements, technical and software tools were chosen for the development of the program, namely the JavaScript programming language and the ReactJS framework for the development of the client part of the web application, which allows for quick and convenient development of interactive user interfaces and guarantees the stable operation of the system. The server part of the application is implemented using the powerful and flexible Spring framework, which allows you to create scalable and high-performance web applications.
 To achieve the goal, the following tasks are solved in the work: registering a new user, editing user data, logging in and out of the system, viewing/creating/editing/deleting a study group, viewing students of a selected group, viewing/creating/editing/deleting/ publishing a test, viewing/creating/editing an exercise in a separate test, receiving all exercises in a selected test, assigning a test to a selected group, the ability to view/take tests assigned to the user (his group), the ability to check exercises and assign a grade (some exercises may be evaluated by the system automatically if the teacher gave the correct answer for comparison), the ability to view the result for the passed test. A MySQL database was designed and built according to the described data model that corresponds to the third degree of normalization. The structural and functional scheme of the system has been developed. There are three user roles: administrator, teacher, student. Great importance was attached to ensuring the simplicity and ease of use of the user's product, as this plays a key role in the use of the software. In the process of developing the program, great attention was paid to creating an intuitive and comfortable interface.
 As a result, an information system for automated testing was created, which successfully fulfills the assigned tasks and meets all the specified requirements, and is also fully ready for practical implementation. The obtained results can be used both to integrate the program into the educational process and to provide students with the opportunity to acquire practical skills

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