
It has become difficult in recent years to conduct the direct feeding of mosquitoes on animals because of ethical considerations related to animal experimentation. Thus, the artificial feeding of mosquitoes on blood meals is an important technique in studies on the oral infection of mosquitoes to agents. Since Rutledge et al. (1964) de- vised the artificial membrane-feeding technique, several artificial membrane-feeding methods have been developed to increase the feeding rates of mosquitoes on blood meals. The purpose of the present study is to develop a simple and convenient device for the artificial feeding of mosquitoes. We designed a device using Kimwipe, a coverglass, the lid of a plastic dish and a 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask. The efficacy was assessed by the infection rate of mosquitoes to Brugia pahangi microfilariae (MF) derived from the peritoneal cavity of Mongolian jirds. Immediately after the feeding of mosquitoes on MF by the new device, the MF infection rate of mosquitoes was 50 - 81%. On day 14 post-feeding, 51 - 94% of mosquitoes harbored third-stage infective larvae. The components needed to construct the device for artificial feeding of mosquitoes are generally available in laboratories. Furthermore, no elaborate modification of materials is necessary in making the feeding device. Therefore, this simple and convenient artificial feeding device promises to be applicable for experimental infection of mosquitoes not only with B. pahangi MF but also with other agents such as malaria and viruses.

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