
Nine lambs, approximately 9 months of age were allocated to three groups (A, B, C), with three animals in each. Sheep in Groups A and B were trickle-infected with doses of 1000 third-stage larvae (L3) ofOstertagia leptospicularis(five times per week) over periods of 7.5 and 10.5 weeks, respectively, and were subsequently treated with fenbendazole (7.5 mg/kg). Approximately 3 weeks after anthelmintic treatment, all sheep were challenged with a single dose of 100 000 L3, whereas sheep of Group C received the same dose as a primary infection. Sheep of Groups A and B were almost completely refractory against the challenge infection, as indicated by negative faecal egg counts and adult worm burdens. A relatively high infection level was present in the sheep of Group C.The results indicate that a comparatively short immunization period of 7.5 weeks is sufficient to protect lambs against subsequent larval challenge. During immunization, the pepsinogen-, gastrin- and IgA-responses were similar in the individual sheep. In contrast to parasite-specific IgG1and IgG2levels, IgA decreased rapidly after cessation of trickle infection and parallel anthelmintic treatment, and may therefore indicate current exposure to parasite antigen. After challenge, the majority of the immunized sheep exhibited immediate and short-term responses of pepsinogen, gastrin and IgA in the serum. The time course and the level of each of these responses were very similar in the individual sheep, suggesting that the release of pepsinogen, gastrin and IgA into the circulation was influenced by related mechanisms.

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