
A practice-based research network (PBRN) has traditionally been composed of a group of primary care physician practices focused on improving the quality of care through research. PBRN development in a college/school of pharmacy may overcome pharmacy practice faculty barriers to research. Pharmacy student and resident involvement in rigorous research may assist with development of the next generation of practice-based researchers. The University of Tennessee Pharmacist Practice-Based Research Network (UT Pharm Net) was developed using key strategies developed by pharmacy practice–based research stakeholders. These strategies include (1) establishing relationships with key stakeholders, (2) developing a rigorous and robust research program that studies and improves patient care, (3) empowering and educating pharmacists to participate, and (4) engaging patients in practice-based research. This manuscript describes steps taken by UT Pharm Net, using the framework of key strategies and drivers, to successfully develop a PBRN across several interdisciplinary primary care practice sites.

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