
KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) will launch an OECD/NEA project by utilizing a thermal-hydraulic integral effect test facility, ATLAS (Advanced Thermal-hydraulic Test Loop for Accident Simulation) from April, 2014. In the OECD-ATLAS project, design extension conditions (DECs) such as a station blackout (SBO) and a total loss of feed water (TLOFW) will be experimentally investigated to identify the major thermal-hydraulic phenomena of high risk multiple failure accidents considering magnified safety concerns after the Fukushima accident. A SBO is one of the most important DECs in that without any proper operator actions, a total loss of heat sink leads to core uncover, to core damage, and ultimately a core melt-down scenario under high pressure. Due to this safety importance, a SBO is considered to be a base test item of the OECD-ATLAS project.In this study, a phenomena identification ranking table (PIRT) has been developed for identifying the major parameters affecting the thermal-hydraulic phenomena in SBO transients. Development of a PIRT for the SBO transients is expected to contribute to making strategy for performing a thermal-hydraulic integral effect test with ATLAS which includes determination of proper test conditions and improvement of measurements. The primary safety criterion (PSC) was determined to be the core mixture level from the expert panel discussion. As for the major components of the nuclear power plant, the rank of the importance and the knowledge level were summarized for each of the three temporal phases. Taking into account the important phenomena from the PIRT result, it can be confirmed that ATLAS has a capability of simulating the major thermal-hydraulic phenomena during a SBO transient as realistically as possible. The present PIRT will be directly used to make strategy for performing a thermal-hydraulic integral effect test with ATLAS in the framework of the OECD-ATLAS project.

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