
Objective: The aim of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool to identify parental attitudes towards rational drug use. Methods: The sample of methodological study included 517 parents. “The Parent Information Form” and the “Parental Attitude Scale for Rational Drug Use (PASRDU)” were used to collect data. In the assessment of the data, validity and reliability analyses were applied. Results: In the study, CVI was calculated as 0.71. For the exploratory factor analysis KMO score was 0.86, and Bartlett's test was x2=7.559.22 in the study. For the confirmatory factor analysis, X2/Sd was measured at 3.47, GFI at 0.94, AGFI at 0.93, CFI at 0.92, RMSEA at 0.06 and SRMR at 0.06, and the scale structure was approved according to these findings. Consequently, the scale was formed of 40 items and 2 sub-scales. The Cronbach's Alpha value of the scale was 0.88. Item-total correlation values were 0.32-0.61, and test-retest value was r = 0.85. Conlusion: Validity and reliability analyses conducted during the process of scale development showed that PASRDU is a valid and reliable scale which finds out parents’ attitudes towards rational drug use. It is also useful for nurses to use within the safety criteria of drugs. This scale enables the nurse to determine the lack of rational drug use and provide training and consultancy on this subject. This scale can be used in primary and preventive health services.

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