
Food pantry clients experience many health disparities, including elevated incidence of diabetes, heart disease, and other nutrition-related conditions. Nutrition education interventions in the form of a nudge can be an effective method to increase nutrition knowledge and healthy pantry food selection. Currently there is no nutrition education program at the largest food pantry in Alaska. The goal of this project was to develop a nutrition intervention in the form of a nudge to increase the selection of nutritious foods by pantry clients. Methods included the development of nudges, or environmental cues, within the pantry as well as client education handouts and recipes for clients to take home. Implications for practice include the potential to increase staff and client knowledge and nutrition education, as well as for impacting the overall health and food security of the clients and their families. Additional implications include the availability of the program and resources for other food pantries across the state to customize for use in their facilities. After the program has been implemented, it can be evaluated across each site and its efficacy determined to implement into policy.

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