
It is known that the nutritional value of proteins is primarily characterized by the composition of essential amino acids and is determined by their accessibility. Not just proteins are necessary for the good functioning of the human body, but a certain amount of essential amino acids. Since the lack or absence of any of them causes serious health problems. The problem of protein malnutrition is global for many reasons and to solve it, it’s necessary to study the prospects for the possible use of non-traditional sources of dietary protein, namely vegetable protein. Considering this, the article presents the results of studies conducted over several years, the objects of which were dairy and vegetable products and protein hydrolyzate from chickpea flour. At the same time, the possibility of its use as a filler of plant origin to improve the physicochemical and structural-mechanical properties of a new type of finished product was determined. The purpose of these studies is to develop a recipe and determine the technological stages of production of a new type of product of dairy and vegetable origin, which has a functional focus, in which vegetable products are used together with dairy components. It should be noted that when selecting components, preference is given to raw materials grown in the local region. When developing the recipe, the optimal amount of chickpea protein hydrolyzate to be added was determined, which makes it possible to give the finished product not only attractive commercial characteristics, which the modern consumer primarily pays attention to, but also to obtain such product properties that will help strengthen the immune system and the resistance of the human body to adverse conditions environment, what is especially important for the younger generation. When developing the technology of a new dairy-vegetable curd mass, the optimal modes of each technological operation and the stage at which it is most expedient to apply a vegetable component are determined. Launching the developed product into production, the manufacturer will not face the problem of the lack of the necessary equipment and its expensive acquisition, since the production organized according to the proposed technology is maximally adapted to the equipment available at enterprises engaged in the production of cottage cheese and curd products.

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