
The Aerojet General Nucleonics (AGN) model 201-Modified, known as the AGN-201M reactor, plays an essential role in the educational and research activities at Idaho State University (ISU). The ISU AGN-201M's original Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM) has been in operation for more than fifty years with no large-scale redesigns. The CRDM is required to eject the fuel rods within one second during a SCRAM event (also known as a 'reactor trip') and adjust the control rods' insertion speed, and keeps the rod insertion sequence correct. The existing control rod drive mechanisms meet these criteria but experience a few concerns due to aging. Concerns include complex maintenance and costly repairs for old electromechanical components, rod position feedback errors, and the impediment of the plate during a SCRAM due to binding of the lead screws of the existing mechanism. During a binding event, the drive mechanism becomes locked, preventing the control rod's magnetic plate from moving in or out under the reactor's normal and emergency operating conditions. Although, the binding has no effect on the ability of the rod to exit the core during the SCRAM. To counteract the concerns and issues with the current CRDM, a new design has been proposed using newer components and a simplified design.The new design utilizes more advanced electric and mechanical components that are commercially available. The new CRDM system is divided into four main aspects: (1) control rod movement design (motor, lead screw, guide rods), (2) control rod ejection (springs, electromagnet), (3) control rod position and feedback (position transducer, microswitches), and (4) material selection and structural analysis. The new design aims to reduce the overall complexity and probability of failure to improve the reactor's overall reliability. With proper material selection and improved structural design, the new drives are lighter with little to no change in structural integrity. The new control rod drive mechanism eliminates binding scenarios by using a single lead screw and implementing additional guide rods. An advanced linear position sensor and microswitches replace the existing and aging synchro system for accurate rod position feedback resulting in better reactivity control. The new design meets the reactor's operational limits by having an average reactivity insertion of 0.065% Δk/k per second, which corresponds to a total control rod insertion time of 19.23 s, while the control rod's ejection time remains less than one second during a SCRAM event. The new design ensures the reactor's long-term viability for educational and research activities by increasing the reliability and safety of operation for years to come.

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