
Glycan arrays have become a technique of choice to screen glycan-protein interactions in a high-throughput manner with high sensitivity and low sample consumption. Here, the synthesis of a new multifunctional fluorescent linker for glycan labeling via aminoxy ligation and immobilization is described; the linker features a fluorescent naphthalene group suitable for highly sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography-based purification and an azido- or amino-modified pentanoyl moiety for the immobilization onto solid supports. Several glycoconjugates displaying small sugar epitopes via chemical or chemoenzymatic synthesis were covalently attached onto a microarray support and tested with lectins of known carbohydrate binding specificity. The glycan library was extended using glycosyltransferases (e.g. galactosyl-, sialyl- and fucosyltransferases); the resulting neoglycoconjugates, which are easily detected by mass spectrometry, mimic antennal elements of N- and O-glycans, including ABH blood group epitopes and sialylated structures. Furthermore, an example natural plant N-glycan containing core α1,3-fucose and β1,2-xylose was also successfully conjugated to the fluorescent linker, immobilized and probed with lectins as well as antihorseradish peroxidase. These experiments validate our linker as being a potentially valuable tool to study glycozyme and lectin specificities, sensitive enough to allow purification of natural glycans.

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