
The object of the research is the urban transport quality. The problem to be solved in the course of the study to optimize current planning systems while reducing human impact on managing daily disruptions that affect urban transport quality and citizen well-being. This will allow all buses to run on time and all users to travel in good conditions. This study aims to address the most critical problems of the growing demand for public transportation, the inability to meet these demands, and the approved ineffectiveness of existing planning. In the course of the research, it is proposed to apply a model for managing daily disturbances that used a developed algorithm based on four major aspects. These aspects include admitting all actors into the system, collecting real-time data, processing data to manage their exploitation and destruction as quickly as possible, and even achieving an ideal operational strategy to handle potential disruptions to the system. Authors’ proposal for achieving this goal involves two types of hardware and software architectures, taking into consideration the use of modern technological innovations and their potential application. While ensuring a good flow of information, which contributes greatly to the proper functioning of the network and even to the proper management of disturbances in real-time. To validate this work, it is possible to simulate an application of this model on an existing situation of a transport line in the city of Constantine (Algeria), already studied in a previous study to see the evolution of the situation in terms of quality reflected by the journey time. As a result of the research, it is shown that positive feedback and improvement were observed after the first simulation of the application. This result only encourages the application of this proposed approach, which could ensure a better quality of service offered to the users. In the future, the application of this proposed approach could be the revolution of the field of urban transport in Algeria, which is the pillar of the viability, productivity, and efficiency of a city and the well-being of the citizens.

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