
Elevated psychological stress can lead to moral distress affecting health care workers and organizations affecting patient care, job satisfaction, and retention. A Moral Resilience Collaborative program was implemented through an academic partnership between a school of nursing and a rehabilitation facility to provide the health care workers in the facility the skills necessary for self-management of moral distress and move them toward moral resilience. Moral distress and resiliency were measured pre-implementation using the Measure of Moral Distress for Healthcare Professionals (MMD-HP) and Short Resiliency Survey (SRS), respectively. Unfortunately, postsurvey quantitative data collection failed due to COVID-19 surges though qualitative data obtained during debriefing sessions demonstrated effectiveness of the project. Based on debriefing comments and the preimplementation MMD-HP mean score and SRS decompression score, the staff in this facility experienced similar types of moral distress as those working in acute care or critical care settings. Even when resiliency programs are needed the most and readily available, patient care demands, a busy work environment, and external factors can hinder staff participation in such endeavors.

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