
Purpose : The development of a new generation of Monte Carlo track structure code is described, which simulates full slowing down of low-energy proton history tracks (lephist) in the range 1 keV-1 MeV in water. Material and methods : All primary protons are followed down to 1 keV and all electrons to 1 eV. All primary interactions, including elastic scattering, ionization, excitation and charge exchange processes by protons and neutral hydrogen were taken into account. Cross-sections for proton and hydrogen impact were obtained from experimental data for water. Where data were lacking, the existing experimental data were fitted and extrapolated. The tracks of secondary electrons were generated using the electron track code kurbuc. The cross-sections and the energy transfer data were individually evaluated for the principal interactions induced by protons and hydrogen atoms in water. The analysis starts with the published cross-section data for water using a semi-empirical model including contributions from the neutral hydrogen atoms. For excitation cross-sections, the original Miller-Green analytical formula was used. For ionization by neutral hydrogen atoms, the same energy spectrum was assumed for secondary electrons as for protons. The total cross-sections were taken from the experiment of Blorizadeh and Rudd (1986b, c). For the stripping of charge by neutral hydrogen the data of Toburen et al. (1968) were used. Results : Data are presented on total and differential elastic crosssections as a function of energy and scattering angle respectively; single and double differential cross-sections for secondary electrons ejected by various energy proton impact; total cross-sections due to proton and hydrogen impact on water; stopping power cross-sections; and fraction of stopping power for water for protons as a functions of proton energy. Conclusions : Tracks were analysed to provide confirmation on the reliability of the code and information on physical quantities, such as range, W, restricted stopping power, radial dose profiles and some microdosimetric parameters. Model calculations show good agreement with the experimental and calculated data.

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