
This paper describes a microcontroller based emergency lighting system, which can early detect fire and send the alarm message through a mobile network. This is achieved via smoke and gas detector technology added with integrated microcontroller, mobile communication and a LED emergency light. First five Minutes of fire is more important than last five hours [1]. Hence, it is important to have early detection of fire and start fire fighting in its inception. In many hazardous areas where flammable materials are handled, any leak or spillage may give rise to an explosive atmosphere. In this situation, early detection of leaking gas or smoke plays an important role in reducing fire deaths and injuries. In fact, immediately after detection of fire, fire fighting should be started by means of portable fire extinguishers or by informing the fire brigade. This developed system can initiate these functions by detecting the fire hazard, establishing the communication to dwellers and turning on the emergency light to show the exit route.

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