
Subject. This article presents an analysis of the essence of financial policy as a factor of effective development of companies. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implemented financial policy of companies is a significant scientific and practical problem. It determines the choice of the main criteria used to calculate the financial policy effectiveness. Objectives. The article aims to develop a comprehensive methodology for assessing the effectiveness of financial policy of companies in modern conditions, and define criteria for its evaluation. Methods. The Due Diligence approach is the basis for solving the research tasks: comparing the current standards and methods for assessing the financial policy of companies and simplifying its implementation through the proposed method of multivariate coefficient analysis. Results. The article offers a comprehensive approach to assessing the effectiveness of financial policy, considering electric power companies as a case study. The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the use to increase the investment attractiveness of companies that are considered as potential investment objects. Conclusions. The research proposes a methodology for assessing the financial policy of companies based on a multivariate, customizable system of financial coefficients. An indicator of the effectiveness of financial policy of companies was calculated. It can be recommended for practical application. The obtained results of evaluating the effectiveness of financial policy can be used by the companies’ management to make management decisions, investors to choose the best investment option, market participants to rank companies by efficiency, and determine industry benchmarks.

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