
Aqueous solutions of alkyl/alkaline metal and halide ions play a crucial functional role in biological systems such as proteins, membranes, and nucleic acids and for interfacial chemistry in geomedia and in the atmosphere. We present the MB-UCB many-body force field for monovalent and divalent ions that includes polarization, charge penetration to describe the short-range permanent electrostatics accurately, as well as a model for charge transfer to better describe the quantum mechanical potential energy surface and its components obtained from the absolutely localized molecular orbital energy decomposition analysis (ALMO-EDA). We find that the MB-UCB force field is in very good agreement with a validation suite of ion-ion and ion-water cluster data, exhibiting overall better cancellation of errors among energy components, unlike the case for other many-body potentials that do not utilize an EDA scheme. However, limitations in the functional form for the classical many-body energy components do limit the best achievable accuracy through complete cancellation of error and warrant further study.

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