
For any manager of an agro-industrial enterprise, the use of resources is used for the efficient use of resources: labor, land, working capital and other. For this reason, the production processes of agriculture are already almost completely mechanized around the world, which is the productivity of an enterprise. The next logical step in increasing the productivity of agricultural enterprises is the automation and digitalization of agricultural production. Therefore, in order to remain competitive with the world leaders in agricultural production, it is necessary to integrate IoT technologies. It is predicted that the introduction of modern automation technologies in the agro-industrial complex will increase yields more than the inventions of the tractor, herbicides and GMOs. City farming is gradually becoming such a solution. In some megacities, urban farms are built on the rooftops of buildings, and in some places there are entire skyscra¬pers with vertical farms. Experts say that the quality and environmental friendliness of products grown in this way is much higher than that of counterparts grown in a traditional way. In this regard, the relevance in creating an application for a smart farm has been identified. Such an application will allow you to be more attentive to all parameters of plant growth thanks to sensors for humidity, light, temperature and other data that can be transmitted to a smartphone. The purpose of the study is to develop a management and monitoring system for a city farm. Materials and methods. The mobile application is implemented using the Xamarin framework in C# and JavaScript. The firmware for the microcontroller is written in C. Results. The paper provides an overview of management and monitoring systems for smart farms, a methodological comparison of advantages and disadvantages. The architecture of the control and monitoring system was also discovered. Implemented a mobile application and software. The functionality and design of the mobile application has been tested on various devices. Conclusion. The city farm management and monitoring system has been successfully developed. As further scientific work, it is planned to develop a mathematical model for more optimal farm management. This work can be useful in the field of decentralized agriculture.

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