
To provide medical and social services to underserved communities, many health care organizations across the United States have expanded the role of emergency medical services to include mobile integrated health and community paramedicine (MIH-CP). Although MIH-CP programs differ in structure and setting, many share the common goal of improving health through home-based, patient-centered care management models. Ideally, these innovative programs reduce use of health care services, including 911 (US emergency system) calls and emergency department visits. In 2018 a large, urban academic medical center partnered with the city's fire department to establish an MIH-CP program to support patients as they transition in their first 30 days at home after hospitalization. Prior to launch, a multidisciplinary team developed a logic model to guide development, implementation, and evaluation of this complex and innovative program. This paper describes the team's structured process for developing a logic model. It also describes key components of the initial logic model and the Transitional Health Support program structure, as well as subsequent revisions to both.

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